
September is suicide awareness month

As we start turning towards the long winter months here in Superiorland, we should take a moment to talk about the important issue of mental health.

September is Suicide Prevention Month, which sees mental health organizations and caregivers around the United States raise awareness of the epidemic which claims one person every 11 minutes.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2022 more than 49,000 people died from suicide. These staggering numbers impact every gender, race, religion, political affiliation and region in the country, and is the second leading cause of teenagers behind accidents and above cancer.

The National Alliance on Mental health says that “Suicidal thoughts are common among teens and young adults. In fact, about 11% of young adults (ages 18-25) report that they’ve had serious thoughts about suicide, and about 1-2% report a suicide attempt during the prior year. These numbers are higher among high school students — nearly 20% report serious thoughts about suicide and 9% report a suicide attempt. Among young adults 15-24 years old in the U.S., the rate of death by suicide in 2019 was about 14 per 100,000 people — slightly higher than one suicide for every 10,000 people in this age group.”

While these numbers are daunting and tragic, there are many resources available to helb curb the rise of suicides nationally.”

NAMI says that the best way to help prevent suicide is to seek help and support before the crisis happens.

One of the best ways to help is to talk to your friends and loved ones who don’t seem themselves. Visting www.nami.org has great resources, including help for those who fear for a loved one.

If you or a loved one are facing a crisis, call or text 988 or chat online at 988lifeline.org.


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