
We’re glad to see our hospital is financially fit

MyMichigan Medical Center Alpena has been doing very well, financially, The News reported today.

Nearly $255 million in revenue, nearly $114 million more than five years ago.

That led to $21 million in profits, up from less than $5 million in 2018.

That happened largely because the Alpena hospital took on infusion treatments for the entire MyMichigan Health system and because everything from emergency room visits to surgeries are up as our region’s aging population requires more health care, the hospital’s director of finance told The News.

Whatever the reason, it’s a good thing for the entire Alpena community that its hospital is on solid financial footing.

As a nonprofit, the hospital must reinvest all of its profits back into hospital programming. That means better treatments, better facilities, and better health care.

It also means more jobs for the community. The hospital employed 1,081 people last year, The News reported, up 9% from four years ago.

That’s more people taking home a paycheck to put a roof over their family’s head and food on their family’s table.

Congratulations go to everyone at the hospital — from the custodians to the specialty doctors to the chief executives and the board — for making smart decisions and providing the kind of care that makes people want to return to the hospital the next time they’re in need.

Keep up the good work.



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