
Talk to board about appointment

The Alpena County Board of Commissioners will at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday interview two applicants for an open position on the board.

We urge as many residents as can make it to attend the meeting and tell the board which applicant ought to hold the position.

Bob Adrian and Dan Ludlow each are seeking appointment to the seat representing District 2 on the Board of Commissioners, News staff writer Steve Schulwitz reported last week. The seat opened when Jesse Osmer stepped down to accept the job as county administrator.

District 2 covers the north side of Alpena, from Chisholm Street at MyMichigan Medical Center Alpena to the boat harbor. Residents who live in that area, especially, ought to attend Tuesday’s meetings to hear Adrian and Ludlow’s interviews with the board.

The board has 30 days to appoint someone to fill the seat until the end of the year, but the decision could be made Tuesday.

Adrian and Ludlow are both former commissioners. Ludlow is the husband of county Treasurer Kim Ludlow.

Adrian said he also intends to file to run as a write-in candidate in the August election in an attempt to win the seat for a full term.

It wasn’t immediately clear whether Ludlow intends to run in the Aug. 6 election.

The board has to make an appointment to fill out the rest of Osmer’s term.

But Alpena County residents still ought to have a say in who gets to fill that seat.

So we urge residents to show up to the county board meeting and make their voices heard.


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