Glad to see Early College success
Many schools today offer numerous pathways for students to follow to success.
That’s a good thing, because not every student does well on the traditional route.
At Alpena Public Schools, students still can go the old-fashioned way, four years at Alpena High School to earn a diploma before enrolling in a community college, four-year university, or career training program or going straight into the workforce.
If that doesn’t work, students also can leave Alpena High and enroll in Alternative Choices for Educational Success (ACES) Academy, an alternative high school that allows students more flexibility in how they complete their coursework.
Or students can enroll in Early College, a program that allows students to attend Alpena Community College and Alpena High simultaneously and, in some cases, leave Alpena High with a high school diploma and an associate degree in hand.
APS said in a news release Wednesday that the latest cohort of Early College students found success, with 43 students completing the program, 22 of whom earned an associate degree from ACC.
The cohort group averaged 55 credits earned per student and completed nearly 9,600 hours of community service and career exploration hours.
We’re thrilled to see that program leading students to success.
Congratulations to the students for all of their hard work. We wish them well in their futures, which are brighter because of their stick-to-it-iveness.
Congratulations, also, to APS leadership for crafting the Early College program and for everyone involved in making it work for the students.
Well done, all around.