
Hoping someone steps up for July 4 parade

We understand the Alpena Area Chamber of Commerce’s concerns.

Just about every organization these days seems to have more to do and fewer and fewer people to do it. That’s why the Chamber says it can’t maintain its leadership role in organizing Alpena’s July 4 parade.

We understand the Chamber’s worries, but reporter Steve Schulwitz’s story last week saying the Chamber needs someone new to step up to the plate still concerns us. Chamber President Adam Poll told Schulwitz he couldn’t guarantee a 2022 parade would happen if no one else stepped up.

Northeast Michigan knows how to do every holiday. The downtown Christmas tree is beautiful, our kids turn out great as ghouls and goblins every Halloween.

But we really shine at the Fourth. Our streets are busy with summer residents and out-of-towners in for a visit. The News’ sandcastle contest at Starlite Beach. The rubber ducky race down the Thunder Bay River. It’s a grand time, celebrating the birth of the greatest nation on the planet.

And the parade makes it perfect.

We hope someone steps up to take over the parade and keep that important Alpena tradition going.


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