
Let’s rally behind the Boys and Girls Club

The board of the Boys and Girls Club of Alpena has a dream.

Members want to continue filling an important need for Northeast Michigan families and do so in a facility that is safe, secure, and comfortable.

For over 94 years, the club has served area youth through mentoring programs, educational and recreational opportunities, and special sessions that focus on enhancing life skills. Staff provides an important link after school for families — especially those with working parents. Over 1,000 children and teenagers are members of the club.

This week, the club has embarked on a $2.7 million “Open New Doors” campaign to raise the money needed for its new home at the former East Campus building off Miller Street. The project calls for a teen center for middle and high school students, a teaching kitchen to enhance food education and serving, a renovated gymnasium, multimedia center/computer lab, added security, and more.

The new home is important, as the current facility has really shown its age over the years. A number of significant structural concerns necessitated the need for a new home, and, thus, the campaign.

A $1 million grant was made by the Besser Foundation for the project, provided that the public can raise $1 million to match it.

Our community is fortunate to have a strong Boys and Girls Club. From the commitment of the volunteer board to the skills of the staff and the strong leadership of Executive Director Bradley Somers, we are blessed, indeed.

We hope the community rallies behind this fundraising effort.



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