
The 1 week left edition of Come Heller or High Water …

Come Heller high water …

∫ Spoiler alert: This is entirely — from stem to stern and tip to top — a Donald Trump-bashing column. I would be derelict in my duty if it weren’t. If that’s not your bag, please move on.

∫ Trump is 99% bluff, but the one thing I don’t think he’s bluffing about is that he’s not going to leave quietly. The vote is going to have to be such a big landslide (60-40, minimum) that even the Republican Supreme Court (formerly known as the U.S. Supreme Court) dismisses the inevitable flurry of lawsuits that Trump and his minions will bring. If it doesn’t, then the U.S. experiment is over.

∫ Paranoid? Yeah, probably. The odds that something extreme happens are incredibly low. But, remember, there are supposed to be three coequal branches of government — the executive, the judicial and the legislative. Republicans control the executive branch and the more powerful half of the legislative branch. And the judicial branch has become, effectively, a vassal state of the Trump administration and is no longer coequal. Even if it were still independent, the GOP has a hammerlock on the Supreme Court. Meaning: There is little standing in the way to prevent a GOP takeover. Very little.

∫ Except us, of course. We can vote. I voted last week week by absentee ballot. The envelope it came in said I can track my ballot through the system at mi.gov/vote, which, you better believe, I aim to do.

∫ My favorite political yard sign to date professes support for “any functioning adult.” Truth.

∫ I’m not usually a Jim Carrey fan, but I gotta admit he’s nailing the role of Joe Biden on SNL, especially this week’s cold open. Joe Biden as Mr. Rogers is going to stick.

∫ I honestly don’t know what the term “cold open” means, but I feel all insidery when I say it, so I’m going to keep saying it

∫ In a sense, I hope Trump does fight leaving. It would be fun to see him perp-walked out.

∫ Trump this week said he might leave the U.S. if he loses. Bonus!

∫ Actually, with all the lawsuits and criminal charges facing him, I think fleeing the country has been his plan all along. But who would have him?

∫ Even if you’re a Trump supporter, you have to admit that urging a Michigan crowd to chant “lock her up” about Gov. Whitmer a week after a plot against her life was foiled was a low-class and dangerous move. And, if you don’t think so, what is wrong with you? Seriously, get some help.

∫ Bold prediction: In three weeks, it’ll be damned near impossible to find a Trump supporter who isn’t a white supremacist or ammosexual (my new favorite term, btw).

∫ No one thinks they live in historic times. But this election is just that — historic. This is a rise to the challenge moment, one you’ll tell your kids about. I hope you pick the right side. I’m not saying that to be partisan. I’m saying that because we’re at a tipping point as a nation.

∫ “A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right. A man dies when he refuses to stand up for justice. A man dies when he refuses to take a stand for that which is true.” — Martin Luther King Jr.


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