
The heavens declare the glory of God

“We really should go to bed,” I said to my husband drowsily.

Yes, it was warm and cozy by the fireplace, but the hour was late and we needed to get up early the next morning. As I roused myself to head upstairs, the brightness of the night caught my eye and drew me to the window.

Peering up into the sky, my attention was captured by a large, luminous full moon. The view was stunning! Stars scattered the darkness of the sky, pine trees circled the yard like frosted fingers pointing upward, and everywhere I looked, mounds of drifted snow glistened and sparkled in the frosty moonlight. Captivated, I stood in stillness, trying to absorb the beauty of the night.

As I lingered, these words came to mind: “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.”

Indeed, the heavens were doing that very thing, loudly proclaiming to me and to all who would listen of the greatness of God, the One who created all things. My heart was gripped with a fresh awareness of the majesty of God and the incredible splendor of all that He has made.

In those moments of reflection, I found myself asking, “How many similar displays have you missed on those countless evenings when you simply press the garage door opener, park the car, and enter the house without taking time to notice your surroundings?”

Lying in bed that night, I pondered my life and my God. My thoughts went back to my first visit to Niagara Falls. We were traveling homeward from Toronto to Michigan and decided it was the perfect opportunity to see that famous natural wonder. Even as we drove into the parking area, our senses were assaulted with the lake smell, the moisture in the air and the incredible, thunderous sound of rushing water. As I approached the falls on foot, I was overwhelmed by their awe-inspiring beauty, unbidden tears streamed down my face at this unforgettable and magnificence sight.

What unique and complex creatures we are! We are equipped with the gift of our five senses — sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. Those senses bring such a vast array of experiences into our lives. God intended for us to fully experience and enjoy all that He has created. It sometimes surprises people to realize that God also designed us with spiritual senses — spiritual eyes and ears that are meant to be awakened and to call us to Himself through Jesus Christ. Jesus explained that He calls his sheep by name and they are to listen for his voice and not follow the voice of a stranger (John 10:2, 16). The Apostle Paul prayed that the eyes of our heart would be enlightened and opened, so that we would know the hope to which He (God) has called us (Ephesians 1:18).

King David was the one who penned the words of Psalm 19, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.”

It is likely David first recognized that the heavens testify of Creator God’s very existence while just a shepherd boy watching over his flocks in the field, but, undoubtedly, he was reawakened to that truth time and time again throughout his life.

Like the Apostle Paul, we need to ask God to awaken our spiritual ears and open our spiritual eyes. I encourage you to slow down and truly ponder what creation proclaims.

As you do, I guarantee that you will be amazed by what you discover.

Michelle serves alongside her husband, Gary, as part of the leadership team of New Life Christian Fellowship. She founded Purely Women Ministries with the purpose of helping women of all ages discover their true identity as women of God. A fifth generation Alpena native, she counts it a privilege to live in northern Michigan and enjoys flower gardening, canoeing, rustic camping and all things outdoors. She can be reached at michelle@newlifealpena.org.


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