

Half of Northeast Michigan absentee ballots returned

Local News

ALPENA — Just more than half of the requested absentee ballots in Northeast Michigan had been returned as of Tuesday, according to the Michigan Secretary of State’s early voting dashboard. State elections officials recommend any absentee voter who hasn’t already put their ballot in ...

Presque Isle County commissioners meet

Local News

The Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners will meet at 9:30 a.m. on Friday at 151 E. Huron Ave. in Rogers City. The meeting is open to the public and public comment is welcome.

Personalizing deer blinds for max comfort, best results

Local News

ALPENA — Some hunters need little more than four walls and a roof to hunt during deer season, while others go to great lengths to include amenities that offer added comforts while they await their buck. Large or small, insulated or not, people’s idea of the perfect deer blind is never ...

Cancer affects more than just the body

Local News

There are nearly 5,500 cancer diagnoses a day, according to the American Cancer Society. The ACS website states that approximately 39.3% of men and women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives, and roughly 20% of the U.S. population is living with some type of ...

A colonoscopy was life-saving for these siblings

Local News

Even in this day and age of modern medicine, the word colonoscopy can still make people uneasy. But for Scott Potter and his sister, a colonoscopy saved their lives. Potter, then 45, was a Chrysler factory employee recovering from an Achilles tendon injury and scheduled a routine physical ...