
PREP ROUNDUP: Hillman, Alcona basketball win

Hillman boys basketball improved to 5-3 on the season, stepping out of conference play to beat the JoBurg Cardinals 67-34 on Monday.

Hillman was led in scoring by sophomore Ty Muszynski with 17 points and six rebounds. Senior Brenden Rouleau and junior Aedan Tucker rounded out the scoring with 16 a piece.

Evan Crane filled the stat sheet with nine points, six rebounds, seven steals, and four assists. Senior Guard Cuyler Schultz led the team in rebounds and assists with seven.

Kyler Nowak led JoBurg in scoring with eight points.

“Great to see balance again in the scoring column with three guys in double figures and another with nine is something I’m happy about,” coach Eric Muszynski said. “JoBurg outrebounded us tonight 58-30 so we want to clean that up and we are continuing to improve defensively.”

Hillman outscored JoBurg in each quarter.

Hillman returns to action Wednesday as they play Rogers City at home.


Alcona’s boys basketball team defeated Elsworth 50-29 on Monday.

Leading the Tigers was Garrett Somers with 11 points and Evan Borsvold with 10. Gavin Dellar added seven and Rickey Schott added five.

Each team member contributed to Monday’s win.

“We kicked off the new year with a good team win,” coach Alex Cole said. “Everyone brought the energy on the defensive end. Offensively, all 10 guys were able to score in a very balanced scoring attack.”


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