
PREP ROUNDUP: Hillman, Alcona basketball teams win

Hillman High School’s boys basketball team improved to 8-5, and 4-1 in the North Star League, with a win over Hale, 48-45, on Tuesday.

The Tigers started slow and with a light bench being down a player who was sick and a late injury in the fourth to point guard Cuyler Schultz. And, despite going into the fourth quarter with a 17-point lead, Hillman had to battle to the end, finishing with five players due to foul trouble and injuries.

Hillman also couldn’t capitalize on closing the game out at the free-throw line going 3-8 in the last minute.

The leading scorer for Hillman was Ty Muszynski with 16 points, five rebounds, and four assists.

Brenden Rouleau continued his steady double-figure pace adding 11 points.

Aedan Tucker chipped in with eight points, six rebounds, and four steals.

“The guys started slow but built a 10-point lead heading into the half and increased it to 17 going into the 4th,” Hillman coach Eric Muszynski said. “Foul trouble for us disrupted our flow and with a short bench heading into the game it didn’t help our cause. Naturally building a big lead like that you would like to put the nail in the coffin but we did what we had to in the end to keep us in first place.”

Hillman returns to action on Friday against Atlanta.

According to Hillman coach Eric Muszynski, Hillman would like to invite the community to the game for a special presentation in between games. The presentation consists of a surprise restored item from the old school house.


The Alcona boys basketball team defeated Oscoda on Tuesday 53-46.

Leading Alcona was Garrett Somers with 20 points. Also in the double digits, Ricky Schott had 12 points, and Evan Borsvold had 11.

“Another huge team win tonight!” Alcona coach Alex Cole said. “These guys really played for each other and got it done against a very tough Oscoda team. I’m proud of the defensive effort by all 8 guys.”

This win puts Alcona at 10-2 on the season and 3-0 in the league.


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