
Mich-e-ke-wis ice rink to open Saturday

News Photo by Reagan Voetberg Mich-e-ke-wis Park is seen covered in snow on Thursday. Beginning Saturday, an ice rink will be open to the public at the park from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily.

Alpena is pleased to announce the opening of an outdoor ice rink at Mich-e-ke-wis Park, according to a Thursday press release from the city.

Beginning Saturday, the ice rink will be open for skating from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily.

In the event of snow, the ice rink will not be immediately cleared. It could be 12 to 24 hours after the snow stops before the rink can be cleared.

The city asks that people be respectful and courteous of other community members using the ice rink.

A special thanks goes out to the Alpena City Fire Department and the City of Alpena’s Department of Public Works for making the ice rink possible for a second year, the press release said.

Mich-e-ke-wis Park outdoor ice rink guidelines

∫ All vehicles must stay in designated parking areas.

∫ Be respectful of other skaters using the rink to include individual skaters and games.

∫ Alpena is not responsible for accidents.

∫ No sticks or puck/ball play allowed on ice unless no other skaters are present.

∫ Games that require sticks, pucks, or balls must be discontinued when other skaters arrive.

∫ Use of helmets is encouraged.

∫ Alpena is not responsible for items stolen from or left near the rink.

∫ Alpena reserves the right to ask anyone to leave the ice or the building at any time for any reason.

∫ While on ice, skaters are not allowed to carry children.

∫ No running, tomfoolery, or unruly behavior.

∫ No abusive, disrespectful, or profane language.

∫ Skating in a manner that endangers or interferes with other skaters’ safety or pleasure is prohibited.

∫ Pass or overtake carefully. Roughness, excessive speeding or weaving through other skaters is prohibited.

∫ Throwing snowballs or objects of any kind is prohibited.

∫ No pets of any kind permitted on ice.

∫ No smoking on ice or within the park.

∫ Please use caution entering and exiting the ice.

The press release notes that skating and ice conditions may not always be perfect and asks people to beware of soft spots, rough edges, water puddles, or other hazards.

To report any issues with the rink, contact the City of Alpena Harbormaster and Parks Coordinator Kevin Fisher at 989-354-1734, and in case of emergency call 911.

The Alpena News newsroom can be reached at 989-354-3111 or newsroom@TheAlpenaNews.com.


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