Hot ‘n’ Now fast food restaurant planned to redebut in Alpena

News Photo by Darby Hinkley A nearly completed Quiznos and a fully opened Biggby Coffee are part of an Alpena food park on Johnson Street in Alpena. A new Hot ‘n’ Now will be built on the property this year.
ALPENA — Many people in Michigan remember the popular fast-food restaurant Hot ‘n’ Now for its reasonable prices and tasty food.
Over time, the franchise suffered mass closures around the country, and the last existing Hot ‘n’ Now is located in Sturgis.
Now, Alpena developer Jeff Konczak and his partner, Gun Lake Investments, hope to reopen the fast food restaurants around the nation.
On Tuesday, Konczak announced he and Gun Lake Investments had purchased the franchise and plan on pumping new life into it. He said two new locations will open in Michigan this year, including one in Alpena and the other near the Gun Lake Casino.
The new restaurants will use B Cubed structures built in Alpena and will be drive-through only, much like the original Hot ‘n’ Now buildings. It will be built at the food park on Johnson Street next to Biggby Coffee and Quiznos, which is slated to open in the coming months.
Konczak said that, after the two pilot restaurants open and officials work out any bugs, he will begin to sell franchises to other developers around the country, and he hopes the glory days of the chain will return.
Konczak said the return of Hot ‘n’ Now works perfectly with the economy today. He said the franchise was always known for affordability, convenience, and quality, and prices at the new stores will be lower than what other fast-food franchises offer now.
Konczak said that, like years ago, the menu will be basic and limited to burgers, french fries, and a fountain pop. He said there are no serving size choices or options for custom sandwiches. He said keeping the menu limited allows Hot ‘n’ Now to keep prices low, and that is what he intends to do with the new stores.
Konczak said Hot ‘n’ Now is perfect for people who are on a tight budget but still want to enjoy a night of fast food and for people who are on the go often and don’t want to break the bank at a sit-down restaurant or a different fast food chain that is overpriced.
“The Hot ‘n’ Now brand has a multi-decade history of providing value to consumers and their families,” Konczak said. “We are excited to partner with (Gun Lake Investments) on the brand acquisition, as they share our commitment to making affordable offerings accessible to families nationwide. Rather than limiting affordability for a few items, our entire menu will be priced to accommodate a wide range of households and incomes.”
Over the years, the franchise changed hands several times and eventually went into bankruptcy in 2004 after changes to operations, management, marketing, and the menu. Konczak said he will use modern technology and best practices to return the restaurant chain back to its glory days.
Monica King, CEO of Gun Lake Investments, said in a news release that the acquisition is exciting and her team is ready to take Hot ‘n’ Now to the next level.
“We are thrilled to announce the brand acquisition and new stores alongside a great partner,” King said. “Our teams share big ideas, energy, passion, and dedication, so we are eager for this collaboration to move to the next step.”
Hot ‘n’ Now stores were easy to point out, as they had a unique design, with a small-footprint building with a tall, slanted roof. Konczak said the B Cubed buildings will be customized to resemble the original stores.
Over the last several years, the fast food industry has seen a slip in sales because of what many financial experts say is due to high prices. King said she is confident Hot ‘n’ Now will be able to overcome many of those challenges because it will offer a fair price for a quality product, and because the franchise already has an established name and customer base.
“We have a prebuilt customer base, but we still want to connect to the next generation,” she said. “With the value we have and the history of the brand, I think we can accomplish that.”
Konczak said there are three primary things customers of fast food restaurants expect when they pull into the drive-through lane. He said they don’t want to wait, over pay, but still receive a product that they believe is worth their money.
“Everyone wants speed. Everyone wants quality,” he said. “Everyone also wants value and I think we can offer them all three.”