Alpena varsity girls basketball team struggles to reach Gaylord’s lead

News Photo by Cassandra VanHorn Alpena High School’s Kiera Prue shoots the ball during the Wildcats’ loss to Gaylord on Thursday night at Alpena High.
ALPENA — In Alpena High School’s varsity girls basketball game on Thursday evening, the Wildcats struggled to reach Gaylord’s score in the matchup.
The girls’ final score was 49-42, with Gaylord maintaining the lead throughout almost all of the game.
After the jump ball, Alpena started with the possession while also being the first to score two points from Kiera Prue, who later stole possession from Gaylord and scored another two-pointer.
A foul called on Gaylord sent Alpena’s Natalie Maychen to the line, where she scored a free throw, resulting in a continuation of Alpena’s lead.
Prue scored another two points, with another two-pointer following.

News Photo by Cassandra VanHorn Alpena High School’s Faith Dragiewicz drives the ball against a Gaylord player during the Wildcats’ loss on Thursday night at Alpena High.
However, Gaylord scored five points at the end of the quarter, putting the Blue Devils in the lead, 13-9 at the end of the first.
Gaylord started off the scoring for the second quarter until Alpena’s Faith Dragiewicz stepped in and stole the ball, resulting in another two-pointer.
Prue, on the run, scored another two points, but Gaylord followed with two- and three-pointers, which put the score at 20-13, with Gaylord in the lead.
At the end of the second quarter, Alpena’s Reaghan Fitzpatrick scored a three-pointer, putting the final score for the first half at 22-16, Gaylord still in the lead.
At the beginning of the third quarter, a foul called on Gaylord put Prue on the line, where she scored two points.
Shortly after, Maychen scored a point on the free-throw line.
Again on the line, Maychen scored two more points. The next point scored for Alpena was a two-pointer by Prue, putting the score at 32-27, with Gaylord still in the lead.
Off a rebound from teammate Claire Jarema, Prue scored two points. After three-quarters of play, the score was 34-29, Gaylord.
Maychen, starting off the fourth quarter, scored two points while a foul was called. That also sent Maychen to the line, where she scored another point.
Fitzpatrick scored a three-pointer, which puts Alpena two points behind Gaylord.
Dragiewicz then tied the game with a bucket.
Gaylord, taking back the lead, scored a two-pointer and a three-pointer. Gaylord kept collecting points at the end of the match, with Alpena shortly following.
Prue put up another two points, but the game ended in Gaylord’s possession.
With the close match, Gaylord pulled out the lead.
The next home game for the Alpena girls happens at 7 p.m. Feb. 13.
- News Photo by Cassandra VanHorn Alpena High School’s Kiera Prue shoots the ball during the Wildcats’ loss to Gaylord on Thursday night at Alpena High.
- News Photo by Cassandra VanHorn Alpena High School’s Faith Dragiewicz drives the ball against a Gaylord player during the Wildcats’ loss on Thursday night at Alpena High.