
PREP ROUNDUP: Hillman defeats Alcona 37-30

The Hillman High School girls basketball team defeated Alcona on Friday night with a final score of 37-30.

Leading scorers for Hillman were Maddie Oswald with 13 points and Jenna Bahkre with 10 points. Rounding out the points were Aubrey Weiland, Elise Flaugher, and Autumn Lis with four points each and Kendal Gruske with 2 points.

For Alcona, Elliyana Grimshaw led the team with 15 points. Claire Somers added six, Hannah Renchenski added three, and Rilee Tracy, Lauren Travis, and Gracyn Tracy each contributed two points.

Alcona plays at Grayling on Tuesday while Hillman travels to Hale.


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