
November was warmer than typical in Alpena

News Photo by Steve Schulwitz Nathaniel Hansen, of Alpena Sourdough, sells fresh bread despite cool temperatures on Sunday in Alpena. The cold weather is expected to remain in the area for the next week.

ALPENA — On Sunday, the National Weather Service released data showing November in Alpena was much warmer than the long-term average and snowfall didn’t come close to the norm.

The data shows Alpena received 1.4 inches of snow last month, well below the 6.6-inch long-term average.

Alpena received 1.2 inches of that snow on the last day of the month.

In November 2023, Alpena received 3.9 inches of snow.

Though the area saw little snow last month, Alpena recorded above-average precipitation, much of it rain, including a half-inch of rain on Nov. 20.

During an average November, Alpena receives about 2.07 inches inches of precipitation. Last month, Alpena received 2.46 inches of rain.

November started out with unseasonably warm temperatures, as the first 11 days of the month saw the mercury climb into the 50s to mid-60s.

The warmest temperature was recorded on Nov. 5, when it hit 66 degrees in Alpena.

Overall, November 2024 saw 18 days with temperatures 50 degrees or warmer.

For the month, the average high temperature was 48.6 degrees, 4 degrees warmer than the long-term average dating back to the late 1800s.

The coldest day was recorded during the overnight hours of Nov. 2, when temperatures dipped to 23 degrees.

Alpena avoided a large lake-effect snow system that dumped more than a foot of snow in some areas of northern Michigan, but temperatures ended the month with a string of high temperatures in the low- to mid-30s and brisk winds, pushing the average temperature down for the month.

The cold weather is forecasted to stick around for a spell and periodic snow is in the forecast, but no snow storms are expected in the next week to 10 days.

According to the National Weather Service, there is a chance of snow every day this week. The largest chance of snow showers will be seen on Tuesday when the forecast gives \ the odds of a few flakes at 50%, and on Wednesday, when there is a 90% chance.

The Weather Service does not give any predictions on snow totals, which indicates forecasters expect little accumulation.

Steve Schulwitz can be reached at 989-358-5689 or sschulwitz@thealpenanews.com.


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