
Local artist stays busy in holiday season by crafting gifts

News Photo by Darby Hinkley Here are some glass ornaments handpainted by Sarah Brege, of Classy Glass in Alpena.

ALPENA — Christmastime is busy for most people, but Alpena’s Sarah Brege keeps busy doing something special this time of year — hand-painting wine glasses and glass ornaments to sell through her small business, Classy Glass.

Brege has been running Classy Glass, on and off, for about eight years. She works out of her Alpena home.

“For the most part, I do it around the holidays, because it seems to be pretty popular,” she said.

She hand-paints many holiday-themed designs, like snowmen and even Christmassy superheroes.

“I made a lot of superhero Christmas bulbs,” Brege said. “I turned them Christmassy.”

News Photo by Darby Hinkley Here are some wine glasses handpainted by Sarah Brege, of Classy Glass in Alpena.

Some of her most popular designs are birch tree wine glasses and tree branches and cardinals. She also does custom work.

“When I first started, I was just doing the wine glasses,” she said. “I really liked doing it, and I thought it was really fun.”

Then it blossomed into the glass bulbs, she added.

“They’re smaller and rounder, but it’s, kind of, the same shape as the top part of the wine glass, so I started doing those,” Brege said.

She said she has been painting since she was a child, so it was a natural choice to start Classy Glass.

News Photo by Darby Hinkley Sarah Brege, of Classy Glass, paints a glass ornament with a design of tree branches and cardinals.

“I’ve always been artsy,” Brege said. “It’s always interested me. I’d much rather do that than anything else.”

Brege said the wine glasses and ornaments make great Christmas gifts. They’re unique and different.

She’s a self-taught artist who loves what she does.

“I really enjoy painting, and the more I did it, I realized I got better at it,” Brege said.

She has even done pet portraits on glass bulbs.

News Photo by Darby Hinkley Sarah Brege holds up a glass ornament she painted with a design of tree branches and cardinals. Brege, of Alpena, owns the small business, Classy Glass, selling handpainted wine glasses and glass bulbs.

“I like being able to be super creative,” she said. “That’s my favorite part.”

To reach Brege, visit her Classy Glass Facebook page, or call or text her at 989-590-4496.

Several other artists and crafters in the area are taking orders for personalized Christmas gifts, adding to the list of small businesses to support this holiday season.

Darby Hinkley is Lifestyles editor. She can be reached at 989-358-5691 or dhinkley@thealpenanews.com.


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