
Snow booted, Dzieskinski, Costain, and Lawson win Alpena Public Schools Board of Education seats

News Photo by Steve Schulwitz Maria Addelia slides her ballot into the tabulator after voting at the APlex in Alpena on Tuesday.

ALPENA — On Tuesday, five candidates vied for three seats on the Alpena Public Schools Board of Education, and Gordon Snow, who has been on the board for 17 years, did not get enough votes to win another term.

Candidates who won the three open positions, including Eric Lawson with 24% of the vote, Sarah Costain with 22%, and Monica Dzieskinski with 28%, beat Snow’s 21%. Write-in candidate Renee Nicole Fisher earned 4% of the vote, according to unofficial results released in Wednesday’s wee hours.

School board races are nonpartisan and board members serve four-year terms.

Snow is a retired teacher and school administrator who spent 34 years working for APS and has served on the school board for 17 years.

Lawson is a music educator who described himself as “semi-retired” and was first elected to the school board in 2020.

Dziesinski is a physician assistant at Alcona Health Center’s clinic at Alpena High School.

Costain is a homemaker and volunteer.


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