
POLICE BLOTTER: Montmorency deputies handle vehicle-deer crashes, missing subject, theft

Recent actions by law enforcement agencies in Northeast Michigan. This has been only lightly edited.


News Release Nov. 4, 2024

Total: 113

Alarms: 8

Animal Control: 3

Traffic Arrests: 0

OWI Arrests: 0

Drug Arrests: 0

Warrant Arrests: 2

Complaint Arrest: 0

Animal/Vehicle Crashes: 14

Disputes: 5

Lewiston EMS: 9

Lewiston Fire: 1

Tri-Township EMS: 15

Tri-Township Fire: 2

Hillman EMS: 12

Hillman Fire: 1

Vienna Fire: 0

Canada Creek EMS: 1

Canada Creek Fire: 0


Inmates housed in Alpena Jail – 7

Oct. 28

9:33 p.m.: A vehicle-deer crash was reported in Montmorency Township; a report was taken.

Oct. 30

12:18 a.m.: Deputies responded to a commercial intrusion alarm at a business in Albert Township. The deputies cleared after finding the building locked and secure.

Nov. 1

8:09 a.m.: A deer-vehicle crash was reported in Vienna Township. A report was taken.

10:17 a.m.: A resident of Avery Township was sentenced in court to serve a year at Alpena County Jail on OWI and R/O charges.

1:04 p.m.: A deputy assisted MSP Trooper at a residence in Avery Township for a trespass complaint.

Nov. 2

12:15 a.m.: Deputies came across a mailbox in the roadway in Avery Township. The deputies were able to find the residence it came from along with tire tracks from where the vehicle pulled back onto the roadway. The mail inside of the box was taken to MCSO.

12:25 a.m.: MCSO received a complaint of a possible bear inside of a residence in Albert Township. A deputy responded and conducted a walk through of the residence but was not able to find signs of any animal inside.

1:02 a.m.: A deputy responded to a noise complaint in Briley Township. The complaint came through as a male subject driving recklessly through the neighborhood and revving the engine to his truck, keeping the complainant awake. The deputy was able to locate the vehicle.

1:54 a.m.: A female in Alpena County was arrested. She had a confirmed warrant out of Montmorency and was lodged at ACJ.

7:58 a.m.: A deer-vehicle crash was reported in Rust Township; a report was taken.

10:00 a.m.: A deer-vehicle crash was reported in Vienna Township; a report was taken.

12:45 p.m.: Oscoda County requested assistance from MCSO deputies in locating a male subject that had been missing for 24 hours. Deputies assisted in looking for the subject. The subject was later found by Oscoda County DNR and he was fine.

4:35 p.m.: A resident of Albert Township called to report ATV’s riding on the road in front of his home. RP believed it to be private property.

9:32 p.m.: MCSO deputies responded to a commercial intrusion alarm at a business in Hillman Township. The building was secure with no signs of entry.

Nov. 3

7:53 a.m.: A deer-vehicle crash was reported in Briley Township; a report was taken.

9:46 a.m.: A resident of Vienna Township called to report he had camera footage of trespassers on his property. An officer responded to the residence to take the report.

11:02 a.m.: A subject that owns hunting property in Briley Township came into the lobby to report a trespass complaint. Both parties were spoken too, it was found to be an easement issue.

11:15 a.m.: A male subject came into the MCSO lobby to report a larceny from his property. The subject knew who took his property, a deputy spoke with the reporting party then went to the residence where the subject reported his item to be. The item was recovered and returned to the owner.

5:09 p.m.: A deer-vehicle crash in Hillman Township was reported, the passenger of the vehicle was complaining of pain and transported to the hospital for evaluation. A report was taken.

7:17 p.m.: A vehicle-deer crash was reported in Avery Township; a report was taken.


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