
Awards given at Alpena football banquet

Courtesy Photo An Alpena High School football player runs onto the field holding a flag. The team recently held their annual banquet were awards were earned by some of the players.

The Alpena High School football teams recently held their annual banquets where student-athletes reminisce on the season and some even receive awards.

Scholar-athlete awards were given to students in grades 10 through 12 who maintain a 3.5 or higher GPA. Those players include John Dargis, Eion Eades, Eli Werth, Henry Wirgau, Carter Koproski, Eric Eades, Cole Herman, Charles Renard, Kaleb Werth, and Brody Oliver.

Eion Eades also received the Junior Varsity Most Valuable Player Award.

From varsity, Eric Eades was given the Coaches/Preserve Award, Cole Herman received MVP, Brady Chapman earned the Offensive Player Award, and Aiden Aube earned the Defensive Player Award.

True North Radio Network Player picks of the game for varsity include Cole Herman, Brady Chapman, Eric Eades, and Oliver Duthler.

Eric Eades, Jack Krawczak, and Owen Barnhart were the only three seniors to play football all the way through from the start of third grade with the Jets to Alpena’s varsity team as seniors.

Martin Polak and Davit Barbakadze are two foreign exchange students who had never played American football before.


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