
Alcona, Atlanta square off in playoffs

LINCOLN — At least one Northeast Michigan football squad will make it to the second round of the postseason as Alcona High School and Atlanta High School face off in the regional semifinal this weekend, according to postseason pairings announced Sunday by the Michigan High School Athletic Association.

The game is slated for 7 p.m. Friday at Alcona High in Lincoln.

Alcona and Atlanta were the only two Northeast Michigan teams to make the postseason.

The two eight-player teams last faced each other on Sept. 20, when Alcona earned a 28-0 shutout.

Alcona closed its season Friday with its only loss of the 2024 outings, falling to Deckerville 50-42.

Atlanta posted a more mixed season, going 6-3, including a 54-14 loss to Mio-AuSable on Friday.

Alcona last made the postseason last year, falling in the postseason opener against Inland Lakes by a score of 22-6.

Atlanta last appeared in the postseason in 2020, when Hillman High School eliminated the Huskies in the first round, 54-22.

Going back to 1957, Alcona is 4-9 in postseason appearances, according to Michigan-Football.com. The Tigers have a 274-312 overall record since then.

The Atlanta Huskies are 1-11 in the postseason and 302-265 overall.

Elsewhere in Northeast Michigan, Alpena High School ended its season winless, falling to St. Johns on Friday, 47-8.

Rogers City High School went 2-7, topping Hillman High School 34-20 on Friday.

Hillman also went 2-7, including Friday’s loss to Rogers City.

Onaway High School also ended the year 2-7, falling to Cedarville 58-16 in the season closer on Friday.

Posen High School, which played one postseason game in the 2023 season, went 1-7 this year.


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