
PHOTO GALLERY: Alpena loses to Zeeland East, 68-0

News Photo by Leslianne Johns An Alpena player tries to recover a fumble in Friday night’s football game in Alpena. The Wildcats lost to Zeeland East with a final score of 68-0. See the full story in Monday’s edition of The News.
News Photo by Leslianne Johns The Alpena High School football team enters the stadium. The Wildcats lost to Zeeland East with a final score of 68-0. See the full story in Monday’s edition of The News.
News Photo by Leslianne Johns Alpena’s Brady Chapman, left, prepares to catch the ball from Zach Orban while Cole Herman blocks a player from Zeeland East. The Wildcats lost to Zeeland East with a final score of 68-0. See the full story in Monday’s edition of The News.


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