
Proposed senior housing project could increase overall housing inventory in Alpena

Courtesy Photo This is a rendering of a proposed project for a senior living complex called The Gardens of Alpena Senior Living Community. The proposed $48 million project would be located on a portion of the city-owned property off U.S.-23 North and feature 128 apartments, in two structures.

ALPENA — A proposed senior housing project in Alpena could reshape the local housing market while providing quality living for seniors in the Alpena area.

The proposed $48 million project would be located on a portion of the city-owned property off U.S.-23 North.

The project is still in its early stages, but if it becomes a reality, it would include a blend of assisted and independent living spaces for seniors.

The name of the senior care facility would be called The Gardens of Alpena Senior Living Community and would include 128 apartments, in two structures, as well as a host of amenities and recreational offerings. To run the facility, about 100 staff would be needed, which would also boost the area’s employment numbers.

In order to help the project move forward, the city sold the land for $1, but the developers have committed to paying for the extension of the road and needed utility work that would run water and sewer lines from the city’s mains to the property.

The developers also asked the city for support of a Tax Increment Financing plan, which they say is critical to the success of the project.

The financing plan is a tool used by local governments to fund economic development. With this plan, a portion of property taxes collected by local governments would be returned to the developers for their investment into the project.

Alpena Area Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Director Mike Mahler said a project of this size and scope would be huge for Alpena, but he urges people to be patient because the project is still in its early stages. He said besides providing quality living units for seniors, he said there could be a ripple effect on the local housing market as a whole if the facility opens and people begin to move into it.

Mahler said the homes and apartments seniors live in now, would become available when they move out and be made available to other people seeking a place to live. He said that it could increase the inventory of housing overall in Alpena.

“It would help to open up additional housing and help solve some of the housing problems we have here, for sure,” Mahler said.

The Alpena Municipal Council has not set a date when it would vote on the Tax Increment Financing plan request, but Mahler said he would continue to work with the developers to help them make it a reality.

“They are super excited about Alpena and really want to do this,” he said. “This is a big project and would be great for the area.”

Steve Schulwitz can be reached at 989-358-5689 or sschulwitz@thealpenanews.com. Follow him on Twitter @ss_alpenanews.com.


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