
Military jet has emergency over Tawas

At about 1:15 p.m. Wednesday, the Iosco County Central Dispatch received a call of an explosion people believed was from a plane crash in the area of Baldwin Resort Road and Lake Huron. Iosco County Sheriff’s Office deputies along with Michigan State Police troopers, Tawas City Police, East Tawas Police Department, the Tawas City Dive Team, and the Oscoda Township Rescue Dive Team were dispatched to the area to investigate.

The initial investigation determined two F-16s from the Air National Guard were operating in the area and one of the jets declared an emergency and dumped two external fuel tanks full of jet fuel from the plane.

One of those tanks landed north of Baldwin Resort Road, in Lake Huron. The second fuel tank landed in the Baldwin plaza parking lot which houses Tractor Supply, Sav-a-lot, and the Michigan Secretary of State Office. No injuries on the ground and only minor damage to a few vehicles. It was reported that both F-16s landed safely.


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