
PHOTO: Alpena gymnasts head to Nationals

Courtesy Photo From left to right, gymnasts Fatih Dragiewicz, Brooklyn Finch, Madelyn Coffman, Aryanna Page, Cailyn Peters, Addison Adrian, Callie Brousseau, and Brook Smith are seen in this courtesy image. Not pictured from the team are Libby Misiak, Savanna Spangle, and Livvy Spangle. Eleven gymnasts from the Alpena Gymnastics AAU competitive team are headed to Daytona Beach, Fla., next week to compete against gymnasts from all over the country. Faith Dragiewicz, Brooklyn Finch, Madelyn Coffman, Aryanna Page, Cailyn Peters, Addison Adrian, Callie Broussea, Brook Smith, Libby Misiak, Savanna Spangle, and Livvy Spangle will spend the weekend of June 21 showing off all the hard work they have put in this season.


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