
July 4 fireworks in Alpena canceled, rescheduled

News File Photo Fireworks burst in the sky during Alpena’s 2023 Independence Day celebrations.

ALPENA — There will be no fireworks in Alpena on the Fourth of July, city officials and the Alpena Area Chamber of Commerce announced on Wednesday.

The fireworks show has been rescheduled to July 3 due to unforeseen staffing issues with the fireworks vendor hired to put on the display.

In a press release, Alpena and the Chamber said the day before Independence Day was the only date near the holiday that worked for the vendor.

All other Fourth of July events will proceed as scheduled.

Additionally, the location of the show will be moved from the water adjacent to Bayview Park to the original site at Mich-e-ke-wis Park.

“We understand the anticipation and excitement that surrounds this cherished community event and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience these changes may cause,” the press release says. “However, we are pleased to confirm that the fireworks show will still take place, ensuring that residents and visitors can enjoy this festive celebration.

If rain cancels the fireworks on July 3, they will be launched on July 13.

“The decision to reschedule and relocate the event was made in consultation with community leaders who have worked diligently to provide a solution that maintains the safety and enjoyment of all attendees,” the press release said. “We are grateful for their support and collaboration in making this event possible under the new circumstances.”

Steve Schulwitz can be reached at 989-358-5689 or sschulwitz@thealpenanews.com. Follow him on Twitter @ss_alpenanews.com.


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