
Alpena High softball team members get awards

ALPENA — On Friday, the Alpena High School softball team received several awards at their annual banquet. The Big North Conference awards include Sydney Hitzelberger: First Team Infielder, Emilee Modrzejewski: First Team Outfielder, Paige Samp: Second Team Pitcher, Eliana Kelly: Honorable Mention Catcher, and Ava Rospierski: Honorable Mention Infielder.

District awards include Emilee Modrzejewski: Outfield, Sydney Hitzelberger: Second Base, Paige Samp: Pitcher, Izzy Edmonds: Designated Player, and Laura Poli: Utility.

Alpena finished the season with a 22-18 record and 5-4 in the BNC.


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