
31st annual Presque Isle Harbor Wooden Boat Show sees positive turnout

News Photo by Temi Fadayomi People look at the wooden boats presented at the 31st Annual Presque Isle Harbor Wooden Boat Show held at Presque Isle Harbor on Saturday.

GRAND LAKE – The Presque Isle community and other attendees saw a weekend of boats, cars, and crafts at the 31st Annual Presque Isle Harbor Wooden Boat Show held at Presque Isle Harbor on Saturday.

The Presque Isle Wooden Boat Show has always been the third Saturday in June since it was started in 1993.

“It’s definitely a cornerstone event for the community,” said Dave Kowalski, president of the boat show. “We’ve been fortunate to have a really good turnout.”

While the event started on Friday, featuring events like a boat tour of the Grand Lake Boat House and a reception at the Old Historic Presque Isle Lodge, things really kicked off on Saturday where a variety of wooden boats were on display at the harbor.

Not just boats were seen at the show though, there was a display of several cars as well.

News Photo by Temi Fadayomi People look at the cars presented at the 31st Annual Presque Isle Harbor Wooden Boat Show held at Presque Isle Harbor on Saturday.

Aside from the boat and car shows, the event also saw a variety of crafts and vendors that offered a variety of goods. Live music was also played at the event and there were several raffles available.

According to Kowalski, the boat show usually takes six months to plan and this year they received a great turnout of participants in both the boat show and the various arts and craft vendors.

“We had a great turnout for boats, and the quality of the boat and car show, which was very successful,” Kowalski said.

Kowalski highlighted the collaborative effort behind the scenes.

“I have a large committee, and we all work together,” Kowalski said. “Each person plays a crucial role, from organizing the Friday boat ride on Grand Lake to arranging the Friday night dinner. (Saturday), everyone pitches in to ensure everything runs smoothly.”

News Photo by Temi Fadayomi People look at the wooden boats presented at the 31st Annual Presque Isle Harbor Wooden Boat Show held at Presque Isle Harbor on Saturday.

While the event has maintained its popularity over the years, Kowalski acknowledged the challenges of attracting new attendees.

“The wooden boat industry is what it is,” Kowalski said. “Everybody kind of knows everybody and there’s other shows on the same weekend so you divide and conquer with shows you want to go to.”

News Photo by Temi Fadayomi People look at the cars presented at the 31st Annual Presque Isle Harbor Wooden Boat Show held at Presque Isle Harbor on Saturday.


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