
PHOTO GALLERY: Alpena High School Junior Varsity baseball wraps up season

Courtesy Photo Team members from the Alpena High School Junior Varsity baseball team are seen in images taken throughout the season.
Courtesy Photo Team members from the Alpena High School Junior Varsity baseball team are seen in images taken throughout the season.
Courtesy Photo Team members from the Alpena High School Junior Varsity baseball team are seen in images taken throughout the season.
Courtesy Photo Team members from the Alpena High School Junior Varsity baseball team are seen in images taken throughout the season.

The Wildcats had a successful 2024 season after ending their season Tuesday night in Cadillac with a 24-4 record. Team members and their positions include the following: Coach Rick Scull, Gavin Ross (outfielder/3rd/Pitcher), Kadyn Vanderveer (outfielder/3rd/Short/Pitcher), Troy MacArther(Catcher/3rd/Pitcher), Dylan Gagnon (1st), Owen Kaiser (Centerfield), Ethan Walker (2nd/outfield), Bryson Collegnon (Catcher/3rd/Outfield/Pitcher), Owen Vanduessen (2nd), Coach Josh Scull, Cam McEwen (3rd/short/Pitcher), Aidan Aube (Outfielder/Pitcher), Eli Tessmer (Pitcher/1st), Eddie Prue (3rd/Pitcher/Outfield), Eion Eades (Short/Pitcher/Catcher/Outfield), and. Colton Anderson (1st/Pitcher,Outfield).


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