
Michigan Works! offering paid summer youth pre-employment programs

ONAWAY — Michigan Works! Northeast Consortium is once again offering a paid summer youth pre-employment program called Career Readiness & Exploration, and also partnering with Cheboygan-Otsego-Presque Isle Educational School District, the Industrial Arts Institute, and a variety of building trade unions to offer two additional programs – a Welding Academy and a Building & Construction Trades Union Academy.

Students are invited to sign up for summer career camps so they can learn job skills while being paid. Camps start in June and there is no cost to families or students for any of these summer career camps.

Support comes from the Young Professionals Grant and from a Marshall Plan grant received by COP-ESD.

The Career Readiness & Exploration Program is a four-week hybrid paid summer youth pre-employment program for youth ages 14 and up. During the online and in-person paid training, participants will create a professional portfolio, develop leadership skills, practice resume writing, mock interviews, explore careers, and more. Register at https://tinyurl.com/2zv4d7tz

The Welding Academy targets students 15 and up who have attended previous camps at Industrial Arts Institute or are a “beginning welder”. The training modules will include welding safety, oxy-fuel welding & cutting, gas metal arc welding, and metal fabrication including measurement and joint fit-up. Register at https://bit.ly/4atKWmx

The Building & Construction Trades Union Academy offers students entering grades 11 and 12 an opportunity to dive headfirst into the world of skilled trades, while earning a competitive wage The program will offer skill-based, hands-on, earn-and-learn training designed to bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world applications. Register at https://bit.ly/4atKWmx


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