
Alpena High School track and field dominate at Thursday’s meet

News Photo by Owen Kinzey Emma Dickins is seen running during Alpena’s second home track and field meet on Thursday which was also senior night. Dickins won the 200, the 400, and the girls mile, dominating other teams at the event.

ALPENA — On Thursday, the Alpena High School boys and girls track and field team hosted their second meet of the year for senior night, honoring each of their graduating seniors.

Four separate teams competed in the matchup. Alpena boys reigned victorious with 219 points, followed by a win from the girl’s team, which racked up 211.

Alongside the Wildcats, Cheboygan, Tawas, Petoskey St. Michael, and North Trails participated in the meet.

“This senior class of girls has been an incredible group all season long,” Alpena coach Trevor Roznowski said. “They’re fun-spirited, hardworking, dedicated student athletes. Each of them takes care of business in the classroom and comes out to track to give their best effort every day…we’re going to miss this senior class.”

Starting with the shortest sprint, Alpena’s Thorin Rogers dominated the competition, earning a PR running 11.22 and taking first for the Wildcats.

News Photo by Owen Kinzey Thorin Rogers competes during Alpena’s second home track and field meet on Thursday which was also senior night. Rogers dominated the competition, earning a PR running 11.22 and taking first for the Wildcats in the shortest sprint and also PR’d and medaled first in the 200-meter.

As for the girls, Keslee Jex took fourth place, and just behind her, Clare LaCross stole fifth.

Rogers also PR’d and medaled first in the 200-meter, while Ty Dever finished in third place.

Emma Dickins annihilated her competition in the 200, almost winning by an entire second without even PR-ing.

The Wildcat boys also won the 400-meter led by Braden Mathis, who just edged out Logan Detloff for first.

Dickins also destroyed her competition in the 400 by three seconds at 1:03.10, leaving no question that she was one of the best runners at the event.

In the 800, Alpena boys locked up three out of the top four spots, highlighted by a first-place finish by John Kurowski.

Amelia Roznowski took third for the girls, but no other Wildcats were beside her.

Hayden Bacchus and Thurston Imhoff placed first and second in the boy’s mile, and similarly, Dickins and Samantha Zolnierek finished first and second in the girl’s mile.

For the two-mile, Kenan Knight was the lone finisher for Alpena boys in second place, while Zolnierek strode into first place with ease in terms of the girls.

Once again, in both 110 and 300-meter hurdles, Joe Sheridan obliterated the competition, beating everyone in his heat by a few seconds.

Evelyn Ruemenapp took third in the girls’ 100-meter hurdles, while Emma Soltysiak also placed third, this time in the 300-meter hurdles.

In every relay the boy’s team participated in, the team exited the track on top. The 4×100, 4×100 thrower’s relay, 4×200, 4×400, and 4×800, the Wildcats finished in first.

The girls repeated a similar pattern, winning first in the 4×100, 4×100 thrower’s relay, and 4×200, but unfortunately fell to second place in the 4×400 and 4×800.

For throwing events, the boys saw Brady Carlson and Cole Herman place second and third in discus, while only Alex Winfield placed third in shotput.

The junior duo Kiera Prue and Melody Kauffman stole first and second in shotput despite finishing second and third in discus.

Finally, Alpena’s only boys’ high jump placer was Cruz Guthrie, who took second place, while Kacie Sobeck and Soltysiak took second and third for girls.

The Wildcat’s only pole vaulter that placed was Abigail Zaborney, who finished first.

The final event was the long jump, in which Dever and Mathis placed first and third, and Natalie Maychen and LaCross finished second and third.

“(The senior boys) represent leadership and mentorship more than anyone else,” Alpena coach Spencer Kraft said. “They’re exactly what you expect from an experienced group looking to compete daily. Each athlete has seen improvement in themselves and improvement team-wide in their guidance to underclassmen.”

Alpena’s next meet occurs next Wednesday at home for The Alpena News Honor Roll Invitational.


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