
Car overturns on U.S.-23

News Photo by Steve Schulwitz A car lays overturned on U.S.-23 after a two-vehicle collision on Monday.
News Photo by Steve Schulwitz A car is overturned on U.S.-23 after a two-vehicle collision today.

ALPENA — A two-vehicle collision occurred on U.S.-23 in which a car overturned on its roof in the middle of the road on Monday afternoon.

According to Alpena Township Fire Chief Mark Hansen, nobody was seriously hurt in the crash, which happened at about 11:45 a.m. on Monday.

The wreck forced police to block off U.S.-23 between Golf Course Road and Long Rapids Road until the wrecked car, which laid on its roof in the middle of the highway, was removed and first responders cleared debris from the roadway.

Alpena Township Fire Department, Michigan State Police, Alpena County Sheriff’s Office, Alpena Police Department, Alpena Fire Department, and Alpena County Ambulance were on the scene.


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