
Trial brings in cell phone location expert

News Photo by Steve Schulwitz Defense Attorney Patrick Cherry, left, whispers information to his client Brad Srebnik during a trial on Tuesday.

ALPENA — The trial for Brad Srebnik, an Alpena man accused of killing 2 women in 2021, is entering its stretch run and the jury could be in deliberations before the weekend.

After another long day of testimonies from witnesses at the 26th Circuit Court on Tuesday, including from state troopers who investigated the case and a cell phone location expert, the State only has a few witnesses left to take the stand. The defense can begin calling its own witnesses afterward and then the prosecution and defense will make their final appeals to the jurors via their final statements.

Srebnik is accused of murdering Brynn Bills and Abby Hill in late 2021. The charges against him include two counts of premeditated murder, weapons charges, and disinterment and mutilation of a body. He faces life in prison but denies the allegations.

For a good part of the afternoon, Sarah Leist, a Michigan State investigator on cell phone use and location information, shared communication data between the people involved directly and indirectly in the alleged crime. Phones were seized from Srebnik, his friends Josh Wirgau and Bruce Kinsey, Abby Hill, and others who may have been involved in the case to one degree or another.

Wirgau was implicated in the alleged murders but received a plea deal in exchange for his honest testimony against Srebnik. He still faces between 15 and 30 years in prison. He is expected to be sentenced on Feb. 22.

Kinsey also had a deal with the state and could get a favorable sentence for lying to police on several occasions during the investigation.

During her testimony, Leist charted out how many phone calls, text messages, and multimedia messages were sent and who they were to and from. What the calls and messages pertained to were not shared, but the timing and general locations of where they were made or sent, may collaborate with earlier testimony from Kinsey and Wirgau, especially in the general vicinity of where Sebnik allegedly killed Hill behind the Holcim Alpena plant.

Data from Srebnik and Kinsey’s phones, gathered by Verizon after a search warrant was granted for the phone data, show there were messages exchanged between the two and the tower that was used for the cell service was the one closest to where Hills’ body was found.

Kinsey testified he dropped Srebnik, Wirgau, and Hill off behind the plant, but called later the same day in the fall of 2021 to pick them back up. He said only Srebnik and Wirgau came out of the woods and he was told by Srebnik that Hill left with another man in a red car.

By the end of the trial, dozens of witnesses will have taken the stand and hundreds of pieces of evidence entered into the court.

The trial resumes today at 8:30 a.m.


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