
Alcona boys’ basketball takes the title

Courtesy Photo The Alcona boys’ basketball team poses after their game against Mio on Saturday.

Alcona High School’s boys’ basketball team took their first-ever North Star League title for Boys Basketball on Friday.

A hard-fought game against Mio put them on top, 44-38.

Garrett Somers led the team with 16 points. Collin Walker added nine and Evan Borsvold added eight.

“After a very slow start, we were able to get things going in the second half to beat a tough Mio team,” said Coach Alex Cole. “We leaned on our defensive effort and size inside to build some momentum.

“With this win, we clinched being the NSL Big Dipper Champions! I could not be more proud of this group of young men. They have put so much effort in over the last three years, it is awesome to achieve the first of our goals!”


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