
Wildcats beat Oscoda 48-36, Tawas on tiebreaker after 39-39 deadlock

The Alpena High School wrestling team huddles at is season opener on Wednesday. The Wildcats defeated both Oscoda and Tawas.

Alpena High School’s wrestling program had its season opener on Wednesday. Matt Kowalski, the head coach, starts his fourth season off with a bang with the largest number of student-athletes on the wrestling roster. The team had two dual meet matchup wins over Oscoda and Tawas.

The Wildcats beat Oscoda in the first dual by a score of 48-36.

The second dual of the night resulted in another Alpena win, by tiebreaking criteria, over Tawas with a score of 39-39.

Alpena was led by Brody Oliver (157), Lyrik Ricketts (190), and Colt Walter (285) with two wins on the evening.

Marleight Hann (106), Joe McEwen (113), Raphael Hautecouverture (120), Cayden Smith (126), Tryst Bukowiecki (132), Steven Quaine (138), Conner Sauve (144), Matthew Spencer (144), Owen Zitlau (157), Carter Stark (165), Joe Schuh (175), and Henry Wirgau (285) each had one win on the night.

Alpena competes at Birch Run on Saturday at 9 a.m.


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