
MSP Alpena Post welcomes troopers

Kelley Stark

The Michigan State Police-Alpena Post is welcoming four new troopers to the post. The new recruits graduated from the 144th Trooper Recruit School in Lansing last week.

Trooper Carly Arnett is from Whitmore Lake, Trooper Jacob Bruski is from Posen, Trooper Karissa Rabeau is from Rogers City, and Trooper Kelley Stark is from Alpena.

Since their recruit school began on July 9, they have received training in patrol techniques, report writing, ethics, cultural diversity and implicit bias, decision-making, leadership, first aid, criminal law, crime scene processing, firearms, water safety, defensive tactics, and precision driving.

Including the total of 61 recent graduates from the 144th Trooper Recruit School, there are approximately 1,170 troopers assigned statewide, and a total of 1,870 enlisted members in the State Police.

The troopers began their new assignment at the Alpena Post this week.

Karissa Rabeau

The State Police is actively recruiting for future trooper recruit schools, including the 145th Trooper Recruit School, slated to begin Jan. 21 and the 146th Lateral Entry Trooper Recruit School for licensed police officers, slated to begin May 12.

Jacob Bruski

Carly Arnett


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