
Alpena High alumni hoops game Wednesday

ALPENA — Alpena High School is looking for alumni basketball players to take on the school’s basketball teams on Wednesday.

The girls top off at 5 p.m. and the boys follow at 6 p.m. Wednesday at the school, 3303 S. 3rd Ave. Each game will feature two 20-minute halves.

Cost for players to enter the game is $20 per player, and that payment gets the player a Wildcat T-shirt.

Admission for spectators is $5. Concessions, run by current athletes, will be open during the games and a 50/50 raffle will be offered.

Proceeds from the game help fund girls and boys basketball programs at the school.

Women alumni interested in playing should email dubeyl@alpenaschools.com. Men alumni should email pintarj@alpenaschools.com. For more information, contact Lee Fitzpatrick, communications director for Alpena Public Schools, at fitzpatrickl@alpenaschools.com or 989-464-6447.


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