
AAACU donates 500 turkey dinners to families in need

Courtesy Photo AAACU team member Laurel Alberts smiles while she helps pack Thanksgiving dinners at Alpena Walmart last week.

ALPENA — Alpena Alcona Area Credit Union is helping 500 area families have a happier Thanksgiving by donating turkey dinners will all the fixings to those in need.

AAACU team members helped pack the holiday meals last week at Walmart in Alpena, Cheboygan, and Tawas. Three hundred meals were packed and given out at the Alpena Walmart, and 100 were given out at Walmart in both Cheboygan and Tawas.

Recipient families were selected by Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency, according to LeAnn Schultz, AAACU director of marketing.

Schultz explained that the initiative was funded by AAACU’s Community Investment Program, which is made possible by credit union members who choose to receive e-statements instead of paper statements. From the savings AAACU realizes by not printing or mailing the statements, they invest that $9 per year per e-statement member into charitable projects.

“We use the money we’re saving and give it back to our communities,” Schultz said. “Our members are helping give back to the community.”

Courtesy Photo Alpena Alcona Area Cre­dit Union team members Travis VanHorn and Jenni McDonald, and a Walmart team member pack Thanksgiving dinners last week at Walmart in Alpena.

She said this is such an important initiative right now, and the need is great for many families.

“We just know a lot of families are struggling right now with the way the economy is, and we just wanted to make Thanksgiving a little happier and a little easier,” Schultz said. “Our philosophy is people helping people, and we believe when people see us helping, they want to be a part of our organization, and they really do appreciate that.”

Schultz loves her job, and is elated to be able to help others in need alongside her coworkers.

“I feel very fortunate that I’m able to give back and help others and bring a little joy and happiness to them, especially during the holidays,” she added.

Courtesy Photo AAACU team members Yuri Bishop and Jenny Zdybel pose with the items that went home with each family — a whole turkey, dinner rolls, pumpkin pie, stuffing, and potatoes. More items are in the bag as well, including beans and cranberry sauce.


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