
Hillman band performs at state Capitol building

Courtesy Photo The Hillman marching band, with Hillman Band Director Ben Witter and state Rep. Cam Cavitt, pose in front of the state Capitol last week.

HILLMAN — The Hillman High School marching band performed at the Michigan state Capitol building last week.

“I’m grateful for the opportunity to showcase to the entire state of Michigan how great our local students and staff are,” state Rep. Cam Cavitt, R-Cheboygan, said in a statement. “It was an honor to host them at our state capital, and I am excited to see what the future holds for the students and the program.”

Hillman Band Director Ben Witter said Cavitt invited the band to perform at the Capitol.

Upon arriving at the Capitol building in Lansing, the band first played on the stairs of the Capitol building before marching around it while performing various songs.

After its performance, Cavitt gave the band a private tour of the Capitol building. During the tour, the band saw both the state Senate and state House floors. Afterward, the band was invited into a House session, during which Cavitt introduced the band and other House members recognized the band.

The band was presented with a certificate signed by Cavitt to commemorate the day.

“It was really unbelievable,” said Witter. “It was definitely a day the kids will never forget.”

Witter said he’s thankful not just to Cavitt but also to the students for their performance and Hillman Community Schools administrators for their support.

“I’m humbled and grateful for the support given to this program of the past several years,” said Witter. “The kids were great.”


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