
One hurt in two-car crash on Ripley Boulevard

News Photo by Steve Schulwitz An Alpena Firemen talks to the driver of a car that was involved in a two-car crash on Ripley Boulevard just after noon today.

ALPENA — The Alpena Fire and Police departments, along with the Michigan State Police, responded to a two-car crash at the intersection of 3rd Avenue and Ripley Boulevard shortly after noon Tuesday.

A car crashed into another vehicle on the driver’s side, which caused the airbag in the second vehicle to deploy. There was heavy damage to the front end of the car that struck the other car broadside.

Police directed traffic on Ripley Boulevard and detoured them down 3rd Avenue toward Alpena High School.

One man, who was driving one of the cars, was transported to MyMichigan Medical Center Alpena with unknown injuries.


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