
Ossineke man arrested in overdose deaths

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ALPENA TOWNSHIP — A 27-year-old Ossineke man has been arraigned in Alpena County’s 88th District Court on two counts of delivery of a controlled substance causing death after police in March found two men dead of apparent overdoses.

The investigation began at 7:36 a.m. March 18 when troopers from the Michigan State Police-Alpena Post arrived at a residence on U.S.-23 South in Alpena Township, according to a news release from the State Police. Emergency medical crews already on the scene had found two men dead.

An autopsy would later confirm the men died from intoxication by multiple drugs, including fentanyl.

Police observed in front of a chair where one of the dead men sat a razor blade and a rolled-up $5 bill containing a white powdery substance. In front of the other dead man, on a desk, police found several cellophane wrappers, small black packaging, and a silver metallic container with a white powdery substance inside.

Police obtained a search warrant and seized cellular telephones, computers, and drug paraphernalia.

The investigation led troopers to the 27-year-old Ossineke man. The Huron Undercover Narcotics Team assisted in a search warrant of that man’s residence and seized more evidence.

On July 5, the Alpena County Prosecutor’s Office issued an arrest warrant for the Ossineke man. The Indian River County Sheriff’s Office in Vero Beach, Florida arrested him on July 23 and the Michigan State Police 7th District Fugitive Team on Aug. 10 transported the man from Florida to the Alpena County Jail.

The man was issued a $100,000 cash surety bond. His next scheduled court appearance happens at 2:45 p.m. Aug. 28.


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