
Bump-n-run returns to fair Friday

ALPENA — On Friday, the Alpena County Fair will hold its annual bump-n-run event that will see drivers of banged-up cars race against each other for a variety of prizes.

The race begins at 7 p.m.

“It’s the community’s favorite event,” said Alpena Fair Society Board of Directors President Courtney Krentz. “We wouldn’t have a fair without it.”

The race sees cars compete in heats during which they drive across the race track for eight to 10 laps, with the winner being the person who completes the course first. The winners of each heat then go on to compete in the finals, where they race for 12 to 15 laps to determine the winner.

The winner of the race gets a multitude of prizes, such as prize money, a trophy, and additional prizes provided by Snap-On Inc.

Entry for the competition is $40 and cars are subject to a number of rules and regulations. For the race, the cars have to have as few parts as possible to avoid having things fly around during the race.

“The car has to be completely gutted, so we don’t have stuff flying all over the track,” said Bari MacNeill, the coordinator for bump-n-run.

The complete list of regulations for the bump-n-run can be found on MacNeill’s Facebook page.

On Wednesday, the fair held a youth bump-n-run, which saw children ages 14 to 18 race against each other. That race followed all the same rules and regulations as the official one but on a slightly shorter track.

Wednesday also saw adult drivers compete in the demolition derby.

If you go

∫ WHAT: Bump-n-run at the Alpena County Fair

∫ WHEN: 7 p.m. Friday

∫ WHERE: Grandstands, Alpena County Fairgrounds, 625 S. 11th Ave., Alpena

∫ HOW MUCH: $10 admission

∫ INFO: For more information, visit AlpenaFair.org.


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