
Art in the Park on Aug. 19 at McRae Park to benefit Sunrise Mission

Courtesy Photo These handcrafted mugs, made by Alpena artist Patrick Dunn, are just some of the unique pieces that will be available at Art in the Park on Saturday, Aug. 19.

ALPENA — Arts and crafts enthusiasts have another opportunity coming up on Saturday, Aug. 19.

Art in the Park will feature over 35 vendors, a chance raffle, live music and concessions, with proceeds going to Sunrise Mission homeless shelter in Alpena.

The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at McRae Park in Alpena.

“This is the second year running,” said event coordinator Jodie Bishop. “All our proceeds are going to the Sunrise Mission, which is all our vendor registrations, the concession stand, the raffle, and any monetary donations.”

She said last year they raised $2,000 for Sunrise Mission, and they hope to raise even more this year.

“We’re hoping year to year we can grow it,” Bishop said. “Right now I’m really excited with the number of vendors we have. This year, we have live music all day. We’ve got people who have donated their time for that.”

She said people look forward to the raffle.

“The raffle went over very well last year,” Bishop said. “All my vendors are donating toward the raffle. I have people in the community that are donating toward the raffle.”

She added that Marine Market donated hot dogs for the concession stand.

In addition to arts and crafts vendors, Girl Scouts will be at the event, as well as the Northeast Michigan Trap Neuter Return program. Face painting will be offered, as well as crafts for kids.

“I have volunteers from the mission that’ll come and volunteer for the day,” Bishop said, adding that in total, about 14 volunteers are set to help out with the event this year. “We had a great time last year, and this year I’m hoping to have even more fun.”

Bishop explained why Sunrise Mission touches her heart.

“When we were looking to have this, we were thinking ‘Who can benefit from doing this?'” Bishop said. “My first thought was the mission, only because myself, I was homeless at one time when I first moved back to town. I was sick when I moved back to town. Thank God my parents were here and I ended up staying with them. But, if it wasn’t for them, I would’ve ended up at the mission with my daughter.”

She continued to note why the nonprofit deserves their support.

“They are community-funded,” Bishop said. “All their funding to go into running the mission all comes from donations.”

She worked there for a short time.

“When I did work there, for the short time I was there, I was amazed at what they do for the community,” Bishop said. “I just was shocked with all the things that they offer. They offer help in getting somebody back on their feet in several different ways — the counseling and the job seeking. It’s just not a place to go sit. They’re very well-equipped to help somebody get back into society, and I was very impressed with how they run.”

Bishop said this annual event will be a fundraiser for Sunrise Mission each year.

Reach Darby Hinkley at dhinkley@thealpenanews.com or call 989-358-5691.


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