
Alpena 14U wins District 8 Junior Championship

Courtesy Photo Pictured left to right are: front: Gavin Ross and Blaise Prevost; back: Ethan Walker, coach Gene Samp, Zach Orban, coach Dean Rivard, Eli Samp, Eion Eades, Bryson Collegnon, Dillion Gagnon, Colton Anderson, Kai Peterson, Kaden Rivard, and Troy MacArthur.

Aloena 14U defeated East Jordon 14-0 on Thursday to win the District 8 Junior Championship. Zach Orban struck out 15 and threw a no hitter for Alpena, which scored twice in the first inning, twice in the fifth inning and then scored 10 runs in the sixth inning. Alpena scattered nine hits in the win and five different players had at least one RBI. Additionally, nearly everyone on the roster scored at least one run in the win. Alpena plays the District 12 winner in sectionals next weekend.


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