
AHS Choir students honored for singing at State VFW Pool Tournament

News Photo by Darby Hinkley Three Alpena High School Choir students were honored on Monday morning for singing the national anthem three days in a row for the State VFW Pool Tournament held recently in Alpena. Pictured, from left, are tournament committee member Agnes Ferguson, AHS student Anna Noble, Edward Meltz, adjutant for the VFW Department of Michigan Pool League, VFW District 13 Senior Vice Commander Peggy Hann-Miles, who is also the incoming commander for Alpena VFW Post 2496, AHS student Addison Wesaw, and AHS student Jolyne Sigmon.

ALPENA — Three Alpena High School Choir students were honored on Monday morning for singing the national anthem three days in a row for the 55th Annual State Veterans of Foreign Wars Pool Tournament held April 27 through 29 in Alpena.

AHS students Anna Noble, Addison Wesaw, and Jolyne Sigmon sang beautifully for the veterans and attendees. VFW representatives presented them with certificates of appreciation in front of their choir class on Monday morning.

“This is a very special occasion because Michigan is the only State in the Union still having this tournament,” said Agnes Ferguson, who is on the tournament committee. “Each year in April, it is held at a different Michigan Post.”

Julie Wood, choir teacher at AHS, was contacted by a member of the pool committee, Ferguson explained. She was asked if it would be possible to have one of her students attend the opening of the VFW State Pool Tournament and sing the national anthem.

“We had never had a young person do this before,” Ferguson said. “Some of the people admitted to having tears in their eyes … The veterans were overwhelmed by this show of respect. They were cheering and waving at the girls when they left … It just gives me chills how thrilled they were.”

Ferguson said many people worked together to make this event a success, including Ed Kandow, the tournament coordinator for the Alpena Post, and Terry Noble II, a caring dad of one of the choir students.

“He took time off work, came and picked the girls up, took them over there, and he took pictures, he took them for breakfast, and he brought them back,” Ferguson said of Terry Noble II, Anna Noble’s dad. “And his supervisor said anything you need to do for the veterans.”

“We have this event we do every year, so all of our veterans can get together,” said Edward Meltz, adjutant for the VFW Department of Michigan Pool League. “And, when we see young people contributing to our ceremonies … it’s important that our younger generation understands the importance of our servicemen and the sacrifices that they’ve made.”

He said the girls did an excellent job singing and bringing joy to the veterans in attendance.

“They’re obviously very patriotic,” Meltz added.

He said about 120 people attended the tournament, coming to Alpena from all over the state.

“Part of what the VFW is all about is not only supporting veterans but also supporting the community,” said VFW District 13 Senior Vice Commander Peggy Hann-Miles, who is also the incoming commander for Alpena VFW Post 2496.


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