
Alpena man arrested for multiple CSC counts against children

ALPENA — The 70-year-old Alpena man was arraigned Thursday in Alpena’s 88th District Court on one count Criminal Sexual Conduct First Degree During a Felony, three counts Aggravated Child Sexually Abusive Activity, two counts Using a Computer to Commit a Crime, and one count Accosting and Soliciting Prostitution.

In February 2021, detectives from the Michigan State Police-Alpena Post were called by the Alpena Police Department to investigate an alleged sexual assault of a child that occurred outside of their jurisdiction. The suspect was identified as the 70 year-old Alpena man.

Search warrants were executed at the man’s residence, as well as his business. Detectives recovered digital evidence. The MSP Computer Crimes Unit recovered countless images and videos of child sexually abusive material. The man was also manufacturing the child sexually abusive material and using social media platforms to reach out to young females.

An arrest warrant was authorized on Wednesday.

The man remains lodged in the Alpena County Jail.


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