
UPDATED: Alpena Fire Department responds to fuel oil discharge on Thunder Bay River

News Photo by Steve Schulwitz A pair of firefighters from the Alpena Fire Department install a spill-control berm around a storm drain on the Thunder Bay River on Monday. The berm helps to contain and absorb chemicals from leaks. In this case it is suspected the substance was fuel oil. People are reminded to never intentionally dump fluids into the storm drains because of the potential impact it could have on the area’s bodies of water.

ALPENA — A pair of firefighters from the Alpena Fire Department install a spill-control boom around a storm drain to contain a small discharge of fuel oil into the Thunder Bay River on Monday. The department responded to a report of oil being discharged into the Thunder Bay River behind LaMarre Park, near the Alpena Boys and Girls Club on Monday afternoon.

The fire department said the source of the material was the result of a fuel filter becoming disconnected from a piece of equipment at a nearby construction site and spilling into the storm drain system. The quantity of product is believed to be a half gallon or less, officials said. The containment boom — which helps to contain and absorb chemicals from leaks — will remain in place for a few days to ensure as much recovery of the petroleum product as possible. There is no danger to the public at this time and the fire department will monitor the situation for mitigation.


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