
None injured in truck fire, exploding canisters

News Photo by Julie Riddle Firefighters were called to the scene of a vehicle fire in Wilson Township on Monday after a welding truck caught fire and multiple canisters exploded in the fire.

WILSON TOWNSHIP — Multiple explosions boomed in Wilson Township as a welding truck caught fire on Indian Reserve Road on Monday evening.

Volunteer firefighters’ kids waited in cars and pickup trucks as their parents made sure the fire did not spread into neighboring woods from the canisters of oxygen, propane, and other chemicals onboard the truck.

Firefighters at the scene were not sure what caused the fire.

The truck’s driver, noticing flames under the dashboard, quickly got out of the vehicle and called for help, firefighters said. The driver was not injured by the fire.

At least four or five of the canisters exploded in the fire, some very loudly, firefighters said.

One explosion sent a tank into the woods, setting grass and leaves on fire, but firefighters from the Wilson Township and Hubbard Lake fire departments extinguished that fire quickly.

The firefighters poured water mixed with foam onto the truck to douse the flames, but, with the chemicals aboard, they anticipated, at about 9 p.m., that they would be at the scene for some time.

Julie Riddle can be reached at 989-358-5693, jriddle@thealpenanews.com or on Twitter @jriddleX.


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