
Knights of Columbus regional free throw winners crowned

Courtesy Photo Several local sharpshooters won their respective age divisions during the regional Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition on Sunday in Hillman. Pictured left to right are: Cameron Shiffer, Age 9, Hillman; Parker Konieczny, Age 10, Rogers City; Christopher Shiffer, Age 11, Hillman; Ty Muszynski, Age 12, Hillman; Alex Soik, Age 13, Posen; Andrew Budnick, Age 14, Posen; Callie Hicks, Age 13, Hale; Callie Kranjak, Age 12, Posen; Anna Beauvais, Age 11, Hillman; and GracieAnn Brunet, Age 9, Posen. The winners move on to the state free throw competition on March 20 at Sacred Heart Parish Gym in Mt. Pleasant.


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