
Woman charged with eavesdropping on Onaway school officials

Onaway resident Erin Chaskey faces a felony charge of eavesdropping after allegedly using her phone to record Onaway Area Community School District officials discussing their response to her conservative activism, the Detroit Free Press reported on Tuesday.

Chaskey was arraigned in Rogers City’s 89th district court on Tuesday and a preliminary hearing is set for Dec. 7, the Free Press reported.

The suit alleges that Chaskey stood outside then-superintendent Rod Fullerton’s door in October and began recording a conversation he was having with a school board member. Later that month, Chaskey was banned from school property.

The charge comes amid a dispute over the curriculum at Onaway High School. Last summer, Chaskey started asking questions about the school’s curriculum and civics teacher Kymberli Wregglesworth, who Chaskey believed was indoctrinating students with leftist views, the Free Press reported, and expressed concern about some of the material being used in Wregglesworth’s class.

Chaskey’s attorney, Hillsdale-based Daren Wiseley, told the Free Press that the charge is retaliation for Chaskey’s curriculum concerns and in response to a civil suit Chaskey filed against both the school district and the Presque Isle County Sheriff’s Department after it used a search warrant to seize Chaskey’s phone.


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